
in partnership with

Here you can find our Safeguarding Policy Statement and Anti Bullying Policy

Chew Valley Cricket (CVC) promotes and co-ordinates cricket activities in partnership with Chew Magna Cricket Club and Stanton Drew Cricket Club.

We recognise that all children participating in cricket (regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability or disability) have the right to have fun and be protected from harm in a safe environment. 

We ensure individuals working within cricket at, or for, our clubs provide a welcoming, safe, and fun experience for children. 

We provide an environment where the views of children, parents and volunteers are sought and welcomed on a range of issues. This will help us create an environment where people can voice any concerns (about possible suspected child abuse/neglect, and/or about poor practice) to the Club Safeguarding Officer

The partnership is committed to ensuring all children (all persons under 18 years) who participate in our cricket activities have a safe and positive experience. We do this by

  1. Putting suitable arrangements in place to manage safeguarding risks.

  2. Ensure we have the right people in place to run our activities safely and to respond to concerns.

  3. Having clear routes for children, parents and our volunteers to raise concerns and reporting procedures to deal with those concerns.

  4. Ensuring our activities are managed in line with ECB Safeguarding standards and best practice.

Chew Valley Cricket Safeguarding Arrangements.

  • Chew Valley Cricket undertakes risk assessments of all training and match activities involving children and young persons to ensure the health, safety and welfare of those participating is safeguarded.

  • We create a safe environment by putting in place the measures identified through the risk assessments and ensuring all our volunteers are aware of the arrangements and their own responsibilities.

  • We monitor and review the measures to ensure they are working correctly and update where needed.

  • We have clear codes of conduct for those participating in our activities including members and visitors, coaches and All-Star Activators and an Anti-Bullying Policy to ensure appropriate behaviour is maintained.

  •  We have clear, documented procedures for investigating and reporting safeguarding concerns where they have been raised by participants, parents or CVC volunteers.

  • CVC partnership clubs are expected to formally adopt Chew Valley Cricket Safeguarding Policies and procedures or to implement their own, equivalent arrangements to manage safeguarding risks from their own activities. Where clubs adopt their own arrangements, CVC will seek assurance from the club that they have met their duty of care.

  • When Chew Valley Cricket works with external partners to provide cricket activities to children and young people, we will seek assurance from those partners that they have appropriate and comparable safeguarding arrangements in place to meet their duty of care to our members.

The Chew Valley Cricket Safeguarding Team.

Chew Valley Cricket adopts and implements the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) “Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children” 

We ensure all individuals working within or for Chew Valley Cricket are recruited and appointed in accordance with ECB guidelines and relevant legislation.

Chew Valley Cricket ensures all individuals working within CVC are provided with support, through education and training, so they are aware of, and can adhere to, good practice and the Code of Conduct guidelines defined by the ECB and CVC. We ensure all people who work in cricket for  CVC (such as officials, volunteers, team managers, coaches and so on) understand how the “Safe Hands Policy” applies to them.

  • Chew Valley Cricket Committee are responsible for creating and adopting a Safeguarding Policy Statement and supporting protocols. The committee will monitor these arrangements, formally review their effectiveness and ensure actions resulting from the review process are implemented in a timely manner. The Committee will seek assurance from its partners that they have suitable and sufficient safeguarding arrangements in place to provide youth cricket activities on behalf of CVC.

  • The Chew Valley Cricket Committee is responsible for appointing a Safeguarding Officer and ensuring they attend the necessary ECB training courses.

  • Chew Valley Cricket Safeguarding officer is the first point of contact for parents, children and volunteers/staff within CVC and provide the local source of procedural advice for CVC and its members. They are the main point of contact within CVC for the ECB County Safeguarding Officer, the ECB Safeguarding Team and relevant external agencies in connection with child safeguarding. The Safeguarding officer is responsible for ensuring a correct and comprehensive reporting procedure exists for raising and managing child safeguarding concerns. The Chew Valley Cricket Safeguarding officer is

  • Chew Valley Cricket Safeguarding Administrator: manages the recruitment and DBS process on behalf of the CVC committee. They are responsible for administrating the Chew Valley Cricket Safe Hands Management System in line with ECB requirements.

  • Coaches: are responsible for implementing the CVC safeguarding arrangements during their coaching sessions to ensure the safety and welfare of the participants. They must familiarise themselves with and comply with the ECB Coaches Code of Conduct.

Raising a concern

We ensure all suspicions, concerns and allegations are taken seriously and dealt with swiftly and appropriately. We ensure access to confidential information relating to child safeguarding matters, is restricted to those who need to know, in order to safeguard children – including the Club Safeguarding Officer and the appropriate external authorities, such as the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), as specified within ECB child safeguarding procedures. 

Safeguarding Policy Statement.

Anti Bullying Policy Statement

Chew Valley Cricket is committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our members, volunteers and participants so they can train, and play, in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable during our activities. If bullying does occur, all children and adults should be able to tell, and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. We are a TELLING club. This means anyone who knows bullying is happening is expected to tell someone who can do something about it.

Our Anti Bullying Policy sets out how we feel about bullying behaviour within Chew Valley Cricket, what we will do to tackle it and how we will support those who participate in our activities if they experience or display bullying behaviour.

What do we consider to be bullying behaviour?

Bullying behaviour is the repeated behaviour that is intended to hurt someone physically or emotionally and includes:

  • Emotional – name calling, persistent teasing, spreading rumours, humiliation, excluding, tormenting (e.g. hiding kit) another individual.

  • Physical – pushing, hitting, punching, kicking or use of any violence or unwanted physical contact.

  • Racist – racially motivated taunts, name calling, exclusion, gestures.

  • Sexual – unwanted sexual comments, suggestions, behaviour; Sexist remarks.

  • Homophobic –Homophobic or transphobic motivated physical or emotional bullying directed

  • Cyber – posting of derogatory or abusive comments, videos or images on social media, online forums or via electronic communications. Misuse of associated technology such as camera and video facilities.

How will Chew Valley Cricket handle Bullying Behaviour?

  • We will act promptly on all forms of bullying that occur in relation to our activities by investigating and responding to reports of bullying behaviour from children, young people and adults.

  • We will ensure bullying behaviour is not tolerated or condoned.

  • We will ensure all CVC coaches and volunteers are given information and guidance on bullying; know what the CVC policy is regards bullying behaviour and know what to do if they observe or receive reports of bullying behaviour.

  • We will ensure our members and participants know what the CVC policy is regards bullying behaviour and what they should do if bullying arises.

  •  If we receive reports of an adult bullying a child or young person we will inform the ECB Safeguarding Team immediately.

  • We will encourage and facilitate children and young people to play an active part in developing and following a code of conduct for appropriate behaviour.

  • We expect our adult players and volunteers to follow our code of conduct for players and members.

  •  We will ensure anyone who reports an incident of bullying will be listened to carefully and reports are taken seriously and investigated.

  • Where serious bullying, assault or harassment is reported we may consult the police.

  •  We expect our partnership clubs to adopt our policy on bullying and to ensure their own members, officials and volunteers are aware of the policy, are encouraged to speak out about bullying and to report incidents of bullying behaviour they see.

How will Chew Valley Cricket support children and their parents or carers?

  •  We will encourage and foster an environment where our players and volunteers recognise everyone is important and equal, respect others right to play cricket in a safe and secure environment and provide opportunities for them to recognise and take responsibility.

  • We will let children and young people know who will listen to them and support them by creating an ‘open door’ environment where they feel confident to talk to an adult about bullying behaviour or issues that affect them.

  • We will ensure anyone who reports an incident of bullying will be listened to carefully and reports are taken seriously and investigated.

  •   We will encourage and support those who display bullying behaviour to develop better relationships and appropriate behaviour.

  •   We will ensure parents and guardians are aware of our anti bullying policy and what they should do if their child experiences any bullying behaviour.

  •  Any incidence of bullying will be discussed with the child’s parents or guardians.

  • We will consult with parents and guardians on any action to be taken – this includes both the victim and the child displaying bullying behaviour.

  • Support will be provided to the parents and guardians including information from the ECB, other agencies or support lines.

How do I report an incident of bullying?

Anyone who experiences bullying in relation to Chew Valley Cricket activities can report this to their coaches, the Chew Valley Safeguarding Officer or a member of the Chew Valley Cricket Committee. Our contact details are:

Coaching contact: please ask to speak confidentially to your cricket coach at a training session or email to request a meeting with your designated coach. All requests will be handled confidentially and sensitively.

The Chew Valley Safeguarding officer is:

Stephen Croucher

Tel : 07974 186792


Chew Valley Committee Members are:

Tom Moy, David Lawrence, Jamie Dawson, Mark Willson, Claire Wienburg, Stephen Croucher

Please email and request a call with the committee member you would like to speak to.